Cédula de Habitabilidad: Renuévala de forma inmediata, ágil y a buen precio
- Conozca al instante el precio de su cédula de habitabilidad sin esperas
- Contáctenos y el mismo día concertaremos la visita
- Despreocúpese de los trámites, nos ocupamos de toda la gestión
Ante todo, en YoYo Arquitectura somos profesionales en la elaboración y tramitación de la cédula de habitabilidad o licencia de segunda ocupación de cualquier tipo de vivienda.
Especialmente, nuestra filosofía de trabajo se basa en ofrecer una asistencia inmediata, anteponiendo la profesionalidad y el buen hacer. Póngase en contacto con nuestros agentes y lo antes posible inspeccionaremos su vivienda e iniciaremos los trámites necesarios. Estamos presentes en las provincias de Barcelona, Girona, Lleida y Tarragona, dando servicio a toda Cataluña.
Antes de proceder a la renovación del documento pueden surgir una serie de dudas que conviene resolver antes de realizar el encargo a uno de nuestros técnicos. Por ello, hemos recopilado las frequently asked questions on the certificate of occupancy.
Descripción fácil y rápida: ¿Qué es la cédula de habitabilidad?
Para empezar, la pregunta inicial que todos se plantean en el proceso de solicitud de la licencia de segunda ocupación consiste en what is the certificate of occupancy.
This document is the administrative act under which proves that a dwelling is unfit to be used as a residence for human, without prejudice to develop other activities duly authorized.
Types of licenses
Currently we can find three types of certificates, based on the date of construction of the building and if they have been executed certain works of reform:
- First occupation: belong to the homes of new work.
- First occupation of rehabilitation: granted to households who have undergone rehabilitation work.
- Second occupation: awarded to the dwellings used or pre-existing.
Certificate of occupancy prior
To be able to get the id of a property used, previously required a certificate of occupancy prepared by a quantity surveyor, architect or technical architect, which ensures that the residence is suitable for you to live.
¿Es obligatoria la cédula de habitabilidad?
Esta acreditación es imprescindible en todo acto de alquiler, compra-venta o transmisión de una vivienda, además de ser necesaria para dar de alta los suministros básicos de agua, gas, electricidad, telecomunicaciones y otros servicios.
El Decreto 141/2012 de la Generalitat de Catalunya establece que todas las viviendas están obligadas a disponer de licencia de ocupación vigente. De igual manera, regula las características mínimas que debe cumplir una vivienda para poder ser habitable:
- Heights free
- Accessibility
- Ventilation
- Lighting
- Minimal surfaces
- Occupation
- Etc.
Despite the fact that many professionals in the sector deny the existence of risks, the reality is quite different. Live the floor without having the card represents a series of unforeseen events:
- It is not permitted to give high supplies of water, gas, electricity, telecommunications and other services.
- Any accident in the home, caused by or damages in construction, will be the responsibility of the owner.
- The insurance will not cover the damage caused to third parties by fire, flood or any other cause, being the responsibility of the owner.
- To reside in a house without a cedula is sanctioned with fines of between 1-5% of the property value.
Antes de nada, se debe confiar a un aparejador, arquitecto o arquitecto técnico la supervisión de la residencia y la elaboración de un certificado que garantice la solidez y el acondicionamiento de la misma.
Tras obtener el visado del documento por el colegio correspondiente, se debe solicitar el permiso en la Agència de l’Habitatge de Catalunya, encargada de notificar directamente al usuario final, mediante correo electrónico, el otorgamiento o la desaprobación
How much does the Certificate of Occupancy of a dwelling to a pre-existing or used?
Esta es, sin duda, la pregunta que muchos se hacen.
In Catalonia and in all, the Spanish territory, the license of second occupation does not have a fixed amount established. For this reason, it is very common that arises the question of how much does it cost to certificate of occupancy.
Each technician has the freedom to specify the fees that creates convenient for the corresponding order. However, there are two other factors that can determine exactly how:
- The price of the visa on the part of the college professional.
- The rate provided by the Agència de l Habitatge.
In our case, during this year, the visa of the certificate of occupancy by the College of Surveyors, Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Barcelona (CAATEEB) has an amount of 12,21 €.
Also, the rate of the government now totals:
- 18,90 € procedures face-to-face.
- 13,75 € for paperwork remotely.
The license of occupation at a cost that is unbeatable
In Association of Technicians in Building our rates include full management for the renewal of the certificate of occupancy of housing used. This service involves: the visit of one of our technicians to your property, ensuring that it meets the requirements; the development of the certificate of occupancy visa by the CAATEEB; and the request of certificate of occupancy to the Agència de l Habitatge de Catalunya.
Our prices are final, including VAT, expenses and fees. Only in the case of the government, demanding the contribution of any supporting document that may involve an extra cost (municipal certificate, registration certificate, etc), such expenses will be borne by the customer.
Precio de la cédula de habitabilidad
If you are interested in learning how much does it cost to certificate of occupancyclick on the image below to know the final cost.
Cédula de Habitabilidad
Disponible para los distintos municipios de las provincias de Barcelona, Girona, Lleida y Tarragona. Puede comunicarse con nuestros agentes en cualquier momento para solicitar información.
To start, one of the most important factors to streamline the entire process is the advance by the owner. Forward the paperwork and have it ready before you sign the contract of immovable property, can mean days or even weeks of no delay. But, ¿cuánto se tarda en conseguir la cédula de habitabilidad?
Often the granting of the licence is the key element to transmit a home. Without this documentation, figures such as the notary or lawyer cannot complete the processing. In some cases, the procedure is relatively agile, but in others, the delay is the main protagonist. In a few words, it is not an exact science.
¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en conseguir la cédula de habitabilidad?
L’Agència de l’Habitatge dispone de un límite de 30 días lectivos para comunicar la concesión de la cédula. Dicho período se inicia desde el instante en que la Generalitat recibe la solicitud con toda la documentación.
This interval must be added the time required to produce the certificate of occupancy prior, as well as their corresponding approved by the professional association.
Normalmente, la gestión se solventa en menos de un mes, coincidiendo con una espera de 2-3 semanas. Y por si esto fuera poco, la Oficina d’Habitatge a veces nos asombra con tiempos récords de 2-3 días en otorgar el permiso.
Despite this, it is advisable to be cautious and anticipate the emergency arising from the obtaining of the document. These celeridades last time are not the responsibility of the technician in charge of the certificate of occupancy.
Nuestro método de trabajo
Desde YoYo Arquitectura nos comprometemos a que uno de nuestros técnicos efectúe la inspección de su vivienda lo antes posible, con la consecuente elaboración del certificado de habitabilidad visado por el Colegio de Aparejadores, Arquitectos Técnicos e Ingenieros de Edificación de Barcelona, y la petición de la cédula de habitabilidad a l’Agència de l’Habitatge de Catalunya; todo ello de manera ágil.
What is the regulation that determines the requirements for obtaining the Certificate of Occupancy?
To begin with, each of the autonomous communities that constitute the Spanish territory is governed by an ordinance specific. This does not mean that the demands are very different from one area to another. In Catalonia, the regulation must comply with all the housing corresponds to the Decree 141/2012, through which you will establish the requirements for obtaining the certificate of occupancy, with the following exceptions:
- Dwellings with a build date prior to August 11, 1984, must comply with the provisions of Annex 2 of the Decree 141/2012 to acquire the certificate of occupancy.
- Housing with an age lower than the August 11, 1984, are regulated by the legislation that was applicable at the date of the grant of the license to works, completion of the work or the granting of the certificate of first occupation.
- The buildings of new construction have the obligation to comply with the requirements laid down in Annex 1 of the Decree 141/2012.
- The public housing public have the obligation to comply with the requirements set out in Annex 3 of the Decree 141/2012.
- Households subject to rehabilitation works have the obligation to comply with the conditions of fitness set out in Annex 4 of the Decree 141/2012
Requisitos de los espacios comunes para la concesión de la cédula de habitabilidad
Broadly, and in all the time talking about the minimum requirements that you must meet any residential building suitable for living are the ones that are named act followed:
For a farm to be accessible, you have to make sure the travel comfortably to each of the floors; all this through the areas of collective use.
Requirements of the stairs
It is very important that the stairs to give compliance to a number of parameters elementary on:
- Dimensions
- Ventilation
- Situation
The main purpose is to ensure a proper evacuation in case of fire.
Requirements of the lifts
The buildings, multi-family new construction are required to have an elevator provided that they are not directly accessible to persons with disabilities.
However, there are certain cases in which it is not necessary to such a mechanism. Depending on the amount of story that makes up the block, you can choose to provide a space that would allow for the future installation of a lift or a platform lift.
Features of the courtyards of ventilation
The surface of the courtyards is subject to two factors:
- According to the stays that vent to the patio.
- According to the plants that have the block.
In terms of health and hygiene, do not allow the renewal of the air of premises or garages by courtyards. This can lead to the transmission of sounds, or smells smelly towards the houses.
Requirements for obtaining the certificate of occupancy in the interior of the housing
The cabin interior you must obey the following rules in order to be considered habitable:
- Have a minimum surface area (20 m2 in Catalonia).
- Have a few dependencies minimum: a kitchen, a camera hygienic or a living-dining room, among others.
- To be sustainable and efficient.
- To be equipped with a camera, hygienically separated from the rest of the spaces through some element of separation. You can skip the partitions in the other zones with the condition that the bedrooms can be independent.
- Have bedrooms with private entrance, without the need to access from other rooms.
- To possess a wide minimum in the areas practicable of the house (doors, distributors, living room, etc), ensuring accessibility.
- Have a free height of not less than the provisions of the relevant decree.
- To communicate with a facade to the outside to encourage the natural lighting and ventilation, especially in the bedrooms, living room, dining room or kitchen.
- Have a minimum space intended for personal storage in each bedroom, as they can be fitted.
- To be endowed with the respective venues for washing and drying clothes.
- Have the equipment needed, such as water, electricity and gas.
- Having some type of defenses, both internal and external, that suppress the risk of falls at a different level (railings or handrails).
- Have a manning level of health in each camera hygienic, according to the number of rooms.
Once exposed to the requirements for obtaining the certificate of occupancyit's time to ask yourself if your home answers all of them.
What is the minimum surface area of a housing to receive the Certificate of Occupancy?
All housing built before August 11, 1984 has the obligation to have not less than 20 m2 useful.
In contrast, the houses after that date can't come down from the 36 square meters are useful for achieving the purpose.
Cases in which allows for a smaller area
Exceptionally, it allows a usable area minimum of 15m2 in the buildings constructed by permission of works prior to the February 1, 1984; whereas, in addition, have a certificate valid and granted prior to the entry into force of the Decree 141/2012, 30 October. The above-mentioned act shall cease to be valid when the transmission of the property, making it impossible for the renewal of the document.
The housing of the new work, as well as those arising from the partition of a dwelling already existing, are required to have an area useful to more than 40 m2.
How a local you can get a Certificate of Occupancy?
In the first place, a commercial establishment may not be habitable at the legal level since it has not been designed to live in your interior. Although a multitude of entrepreneurs adopt the role of tenants of a small enclosure, where they play both your work as your daily life. But, a local may obtain a certificate of occupancy?
Cédula de habitabilidad para un almacén o negocio
The locals can't get the certificate of occupancy because it is not considered a dwelling.
Para la concesión del documento, dichos establecimientos deben someterse a un cambio de uso a vivienda cuando esté permitido por la normativa urbanística del municipio. Esto supone la realización de un proyecto básico y de ejecución, aprobado por el colegio profesional. El siguiente paso consiste en solicitar el permiso de obras y finalmente registrar la vivienda. En este mismo instante será posible adquirir la cédula de primera ocupación, simulando la de una nueva residencia
Change of use local home
If you opt for this path, it is necessary to submit:
- A copy of the license change of use;
- A copy of the license of first occupation;
- Original of the final certificate of work;
- And, if you alter the façade or structure of the property, the original of the certificate of compliance of the quality control program.
By more that we, as technicians, we try to instill the legalization of any activity in connection with the construction, it is usually ignore. A clear example is the start of the work before you entrust your project to a builder or architect.
This procedure avoids the legality, and often involves the breach of the conditions of habitability. The owner used to ignoring the rules, being impossible to get the license of occupation after the works.
In short, it is not always a local may obtain a certificate of occupancy. The only way to get it is through a project of change of use. If, on the contrary, the establishment is going to be used as a trade, you can dispense the same.
Without a doubt, it is essential to the inspection of the farm by a qualified expert, in order to check their stability and suitability.
The time of validity of the certificate of occupancy depends on the type of document in question (from the first occupation, of a second occupation, or rehabilitation), in addition to the date of obtaining prior permission.
En el siguiente video te mostramos los períodos de vigencia según el tipo de situación:
However, regardless of when the expiration of the certificate of occupancy, it will be necessary to process a new whenever you go to perform a rehabilitation of the home.
How to know if a home has a Certificate of Occupancy in place?
It is very common to not know the exact date of the request or to obtain such documentation. For this reason, many wonder how to know if a home has a certificate of occupancy.
In the first place, it is necessary to differentiate between the three possible situations that can find a home:
- Building, or floor without a certificate of occupancy.
- Housing with a valid document.
- Residence with occupational license expired.
Steps to know the status of the accreditation
En todo el territorio catalán, la forma de averiguar si un hogar ya dispone de cédula de habitabilidad, y si esta se encuentra en vigor, es mediante consulta a l’Agència de l’Habitatge de Catalunya.
Dicho organismo es el responsable de informar en cuál de los tres casos se encuentra el inmueble. Tan solo hay que llamar al 012 o al 93 214 70 00, en horario de lunes a viernes de 9 a 14 h.
Además, existe un segundo método menos ágil para solicitar la información. Consiste en acercarse personalmente a algunas de las Oficinas de Habitatge repartidas por los diversos municipios de Cataluña. Sin embargo, la mayor parte se localizan en Barcelona, en las siguientes direcciones:
- Ciutat Vella
Plaza de Salvador Seguí, 13
08001 Barcelona - Eixample
Calle Ali Bei, 13-15
08010 Barcelona - Sants – Montjuïc
Street Antoni de Capmany, 23
08028 Barcelona - Les Corts
Calle del Remei, 9.
08014 Barcelona - Sarrià – Sant Gervasi
Street Canet, 24.
08017 Barcelona - Gràcia
C/ Francisco Giner, 14
08012 Barcelona - Horta
Street of the Llobregós, 175-189
08032 Barcelona - Nou Barris
Plaça Major de Nou Barris, 1
08042 Barcelona - Sant Andreu
Street of Joan Torras, 49
08030 Barcelona - Sant Martí
Rambla del Poblenou, 154
08018 Barcelona
If you have access to the accreditation in paper format, it is very simple to find out if it's expired or not. Only you should check the date of issue that appears in the document and add the year timely, thus obtaining the expiration date of the license.
En definitiva, si desea ahorrarse toda la gestión comentada anteriormente, póngase en contacto con nosotros y efectuaremos la consulta por usted sin que tenga que preocuparse de nada.
How a home can sell, buy or rent without a Certificate of Occupancy in place?
To begin with, it is increasingly common for the sale or lease of real estate. This fact leads to a large number of people have doubts about whether you can sell or rent without a certificate of occupancy.
According to information provided by the Ministry of Development, the average price of the m2 the free housing in Spain rose to 1.530 euros in the second quarter of 2017. This was an increase of 1.6% compared with the previous year. And if this were not enough, in the region of Catalonia, the prices increased by 4.3%.
Applicable regulations
The license of first or second occupation is required for all operations of purchase and sale or rent. This requirement is set out in article 26.2 of the Law 18/2007, of the right to housing; as well as in article 9 of the Decree 141/2012, on the minimum conditions of habitability.
Vivienda de protección oficial (VPO)
All property protected feature of a document, called a Qualification Final. It replaces the license of first occupation during the first 10, 15 or 25 years from the time of grant, in accordance with the regulations that apply to it. After this period, it will be necessary to ask for the certificate of occupancy.
Sell or rent without a certificate of occupancy
Article 10 of the Decree 141/2012 sets out certain cases in which the seller is not required to have a certificate of occupancy in effect at the time of sale or rental of a property.
Exoneración por realización de obras de rehabilitación o derribo
Cuando la entidad usada o preexistente deba ser objeto de rehabilitación o de derribo. Este supuesto conlleva la obligación de presentar ante notario un informe emitido por un aparejador, arquitecto o arquitecto técnico.
Dicho documento permite obtener o renovar la cédula tras ejecutar las obras necesarias para acondicionar el hogar. En caso de derribo, los registradores deben anotar que el inmueble queda sujeto a la ejecución de los trabajos pertinentes.
Esta nota marginal se cancela con la presentación de la acreditación una vez finalizadas las obras de rehabilitación o, en el caso de derribo, con la certificación municipal acreditativa del derribo realizado junto a un informe emitido por una persona técnica competente que confirme la demolición.
Exoneración por destino distinto al de vivienda
When the destination entity object of transmission is not in the use as a dwelling, if the transferor and the acquirer to recognize explicitly.
Exoneración por causas peculiares
When, exceptionally, the seller and the buyer agree before a notary public obtaining a license after the transmission of the property. Must submit the application for certificate registered with the certificate of occupancy issued by a competent technician, stating that the house or flat meets the minimum requirements that apply to it.
Buy a house without a certificate of occupancy is usually not possible. In addition, there is another necessary documents to effect the purchase, as for example the energy certificate, or the Technical Inspection of the Building (ITE).
En resumen, no you can sell an apartment without ITE and the rest of the papers.
What is it and why is it necessary to Report for the Transmission of a Used House?
The report for the transmission of property used is the administrative act under which proves that a farm can receive the certificate of occupancy upon completion of the necessary works for the suit.
This writing is essential to rid every seller to grant the certificate to the customer when needed renovations.
When can I ask for a Certificate of Occupancy?
Before ask for the certificate of occupancyyou need to know in what circumstances is this. If it is still legitimate, or, otherwise, if you have already prescribed.
In the first option, when the license of occupation continues to be effective, the guidelines that follow are very simple:
- Contact the territorial delegation convenient of the Generalitat, in the case of Catalonia, or of the autonomous administration in a timely manner.
- Request a copy of the lost document.
In the second option, after the expiration date, you must follow a series of steps to get the certificate of occupancy.
¿Cuándo solicitar la licencia o cédula de habitabilidad?
The application can be made at any time; currently with a term of 25 years for certificates of first occupation and 15-year certificates of second occupation, or rehabilitation. Met this period, it is necessary to renew the document.
Also it is mandatory in all procedure of purchase and sale, rental, or transfer of use of a dwelling. Also, do not dispose of it is reason enough to not give high water, light and gas.
In some cases, the councils do not allow the submission of the Report of Availability of Adequate Housing for the Family Reunion without the issuance of the corresponding certificate. However, in Barcelona, is only required if you have possession of it, to be advisable in order to expedite the process.
In a nutshell, ask for the certificate of occupancy it is a task that you can perform when you want to. In most of the cases will be given by the requirement in certain procedures discussed previously. Additionally, you should stay up to date on the expiration of the documentation.
Can I ask for a duplicate of the Certificate of Occupancy?
Durante el período de validez del acta, es posible pedir un duplicado a l’Agència de l’Habitatge de Catalunya. En función de quién sea el solicitante, se deben entregar los siguientes documentos:
- The owner of the home: the deed of sale and ID card.
- Tenant lease: current, past three bills paid and ID card.
- Owner's representative: deeds of sale, ID card of the representative and the owner, and the permission of the owner.
Everything detailed in the preceding issues, you can also find explained in easy way in each one of the videos shared on this page.
Finally, hopefully you've cleared all the doubts to to renew the certificate of occupancy or license of second occupation.